Environmental Benefits

Proven to reduce CO2, pollutants & waste.

ROKBOX crates provide environmental benefits in 5 major areas.

For more information, please refer to the Life Cycle Study of ROKBOX Crates produced in conjunction with Sustainability Tools in Cultural Heritage (STiCH).

1. CO2 impact

Total CO2 impacts are significantly lower than wooden crates due to their lighter weight and reusable nature.

2. Pollutants

Significantly reduces holistic environmental impacts besides global warming, such as carcinogenics and ecotoxicity.

3. No waste

ROKBOX crates are designed to be reused, hundreds of times. Fine art shipping no longer needs to end in a pile of waste.

4. Recycling

ROKBOX can be broken down and fully recycled and/or repurposed at their end of life, reducing the amount of waste destined for landfill.

5. Carbon Neutral

Until ROKBOX can be manufactured around the world, we off-set the manufacturing and initial delivery to our clients.

Read our statement

Protective Benefits

No one puts their valuables in a wooden safe

Designed in collaboration with conservators, fine art technicians, fine art shippers, industrial designers and specialist insurers. ROKBOX crates are proven to protect art better than wooden crates against 5 major factors below. Read the ROKBOX Performance Data Summary.

1. Vibration
2. Shock, Drop & Topple
3. Water Shower & Flood
4. Temperature & Humidity
5. Forklift Punctures

Each test was rigorously benchmarked in an independent testing facility and validated by an independent academic at a leading UK university.

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Cost Benefits

Save money by renting or through owning and reusing

Are you a collector? Are you a museum? Do you run a gallery? Are you a shipper? No matter your role, there are multiple ways ROKBOX can save you money. See our prices for more info.

For more information, please refer to our ROKBOX Benefits doc.

1. Rent

Available to rent from £290 via rok-boxloop.com, our global network of rentable, reusable crates.

2. Reuse

Available for purchase to facilitate repeat use and reuse. Please contact orders@rok-box.com for more info.

3. Savings

Volume discounts and Gallery Climate Coalition Active Member discounts apply.

4. No construction costs

Rent or reuse as an alternative to crate construction costs.

5. Avoid disposal costs.

Rent or reuse to avoid crate disposal costs.

Unique designs provide outstanding benefits during shipping and storage

Superior protection and cost saving whilst minimising environmental impact; designed in collaboration with conservators, registrars, artists, fine art technicians, fine art shippers, environmental scientists, industrial designers and specialist insurers.

Rigorously benchmark tested in an independent testing facility, validated by an independent academic.
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